Red Barn Missions

A 501c3 non-profit established for the purpose of distributing & teaching God’s Word throughout the world!


1. Evangelism

Taking the Gospel of Christ to every creature – Mark 16:15

  1. Reaching the Lost where they are through:
    1. Outreach activities
    2. Open air & church based preaching
    3. Distribution of the gospel in electronic and printed form

2. Education

Making Disciples by teaching them to observe all things – Matt. 28:20

  1. Pastor’s Conferences
  2. ABC
  3. Missions Conferences
  4. Prayer & Fasting Revivals

3. Exhortation

Encouraging the saints both spiritually and physically

  1. Assistance in church building
  2. Disaster relief
  3. Faith from the Farm YouTube Broadcasts

RBM's Short Term Goals:

Starting an Independent Baptist Bible College in the Northwest of Haiti to…


Train National Pastors

A multi-level program is used to provide pastors with fundamental truths that are delivered in 3 to 5 day pastor’s conferences. These conferences allow us to reach new pastors, encourage the attendees through fellowship and teaching, and expose them to Biblical doctrine and Baptist fundamentals.

Picture of Goshien Baptist being built

Assist in Indigenous Church Planting

It is our desire that truly indigenous churches be planted where no churches exist. These churches should embody the 3-self principle of 1) Self governing 2) Self supported and 3) Self propagating. RBM works alongside other great missionaries in order to see these kinds of churches started.


Establish a sustainable & expandable college in remote regions of Haiti

Ayiti Baptist College will serve to reach untrained pastors, particularly in Haiti. As the Lord opens doors, we desire that other 3rd world countries and remote areas may be reached with the same teaching.